We went to Baldwin to ride the Ghost Train deal the Midland Railroad is doing.

Mo wanted to go play in the park in front of the depot, and it was time to get on board, so I said 'After we ride the train.'

I didn't realize it would be dark when the ride was over. I thought it was going to be a brief junket, and besides, I haven't adjusted to the early nightfall entirely.

We got on board the train to Nowhere, which has been converted to a sort of mobile haunted house. Sort of. The front cars are haunted house rigs, the rear three are regular passenger cars. When the kids in their costumes aren't trying to entertain the riders, they're taking groups of them up to go through the maze in the lead car.

It's cool. I danced with a ghost bride who was looking for her husband. I must look just like him. Too bad I'm not him, she was pretty cute as dead people go.

Mo cackled and hooted and giggled the whole time. Em had fun with her cousins, she always does. My youngest nephew (of those of us on the ride, the twins weren't along) was pretty scared a few times. But then, he gets scared when I burst out, 'Oh! It burns!'

Going through the haunted house car, me and Mo were in the lead. Twice the clown leading us through had to tell her not to grab this or that. Things that are supposed to be scary, but Mo can see them for what they are: fun things that she might be able to flush down a toilet.

When we got to one window, the clown said, 'Look out for this window. It'll get you.'

Mo decided to test this theory and stuck her head through it. I think the actor on the other side of the partition was the one who got scared. 'Oh fuck! The kids are coming after me!'

Oh, and we saw a real headless horseman. Though I think it's a little dishonest to say he's headless, just because his head is a jack-o-lantern and he carries it with him. At least the horse was real.

After, Mo made a bee line for the park equipment. I had said she could 'after the train,' and it was after the train. It was also pitch-black out. I guess it was time to go over to the Dark Slide.

1 comment:
How cool is that place???
You're always doing fun stuff with your kids. Very cool dad!
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