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Saturday, May 31, 2008

For Crying Out Loud

Something I can't figure.

Of course, I'm a 'plague on both your houses' libertarian when it comes to both Republican and Democratic political types, so it's hard for me to understand why anyone would think the world could be improved by putting, say Hillary Clinton or John McCain or Barack Obama in the White House. They're all just slightly different flavors of the same incomprehensible disaster. One of those three will win and you'll be worse off for it, I guarantee it.

I've seen where Barrack Obama has indicated high gas prices would be a good thing. Like $7 a gallon high. The usual liberal bullshit theory that it's so awesome that Italians or Swiss or Swedish motorists pay so much for gasoline. Wouldn't we all be a lot more efficient if we had to pay that much?

If the theory were true, we should hope for $30 a gallon gasoline. It's a theory based on the notion that using energy is a bad thing in and of itself without regard to the benefits that use provides.

Anyway, the thing I can't figure out. I got gas today, and it was just shy of $50. And I drive a Honda Accord. This hurts, but I don't drive all that many optional miles, so there's nothing to be done but to pay. And I thought, How can Obama be winning?

I know Hillary is a pretty repulsive person, and I can see Obama is a charismatic guy. But how is being in favor of $7 gas not just flat-out lethal to his campaign? Personally, being in favor of $7 gas, or even the $4 gas I bought today, is like being in favor of child pornography or animal cruelty.

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