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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Dropping in on Robert the Psychic

I rode by my old friend Robert's house on the way home.
I've known him for over twenty years, and I won't say he's the biggest character I've ever met. Top five, no doubt.
We had a good chat and I played with my camera. Times past, I've gotten some shots I liked of the exterior decor, which is always evolving, but for the most part his reading room and crystal skulls have eluded me.
Still have, really. I can't blame the camera, I'm just learning how to use it.
I needed to be getting home and going to bed, I was already way slort of sheep for the week, but it was a beautiful evening, we had some Brekle's Brown (an Anchor brew I hadn't tried before) to share, and none of our conversations is ever short.
Plus Robert's going to marry me and Corinna in just two weeks. And while I'd communicated with him about it, I didn't realize that, for whatever reason, the mailed invite hadn't reached him, so he was hazy on the date. He's not on Facebook, so the invitations we've done there didn't help.
I know, he's a psychic, he should know the date without any of that. Jokes like that have been worn smooth with me and Robert.

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