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Friday, September 20, 2013

Yeller Sauce

I had a lot of yellow tomatoes, so...

The KBX vine, a hybrid based on one of my faves, Kellogg's Breakfast, produced a ton of fruit last week, and I added some miscellaneous yellow tomatoes from other varieties, and my Sun Gold and whatnot to make a golden marinara sauce.

I bought some Sauvignon Blanc wine to use in the place of Chianti, even used yellow peppers for the heat (Yellow Pequin and Hungarian Yellow Wax). We'll see how much it darkens as it cooks down, and of course there was lots of home-grown fresh basil in there which might tend to make things green.

Golden Marinara

About 18 large yellow tomatoes (and a dozen or more small ones), about 2/3 of them pureed, 1/3 just diced
1/4 cup minced garlic
1-1/2 cups Sauvignon Blanc wine
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 large white onion, diced
4 fistfulls fresh basil
13 Yellow Pequin Peppers
1 Hungarian Yellow Wax Pepper
1 tbsp dried oregano
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp fresh ground black pepper
Sauté onions in oil until translucent, combine in crock pot with every thing else and cook down on high with the lid off overnight.

I guess we'll also see how much heat those Yellow Pequin and Hungarian Yellow Wax contribute, too.


At first I worried that the basil I'd added would turn the golden sauce green. By morning, that was no longer a concern as the sauce had turned completely red. Orange-ish maybe, but red. I guess if I want to make a golden marinara I'll have to use a shorter cook time. As it is, I added mushrooms at about the 24 hour mark, grilled some chicken and boiled some rigatoni and called it dinner. The sauce was pretty darn hot, capsicum-wise, but quite delicious, much better than Marinara 1.0.

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