They pooled their resources for sweets in hopes that the stuff will make them hyperactive and help them beat the night.

Em was going to take this money to the convenience store near my ex's house, but I prevailed upon her to take the coop's $12 to Wal-Mart. Rather than paying 79¢ for a single candy bar, get eight of the same for 97¢.
This is a lesson in economics, right?
This is what Em ended up with for her $12. Actually less, because the total, with tax, ended up under $11.
1 bag of Pepperidge Farm cookies
1 carton Whoppers
1 6-pack Hershey's Special Dark
1 carton (12) Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies
1 8-pack Twix bars
1 4-pack chocolate puddings
And then she's complaining that she also promised Butter Fingers. I'm telling her, for four kids, she's got enough candy to last more than one night. More than a fortnight, really.

Mo had some cash, too. She boosted it from her mother's purse, would not give it back, would not put it in her pocket. She wouldn't waste it on candy, she had more important things to buy: flartz putty, Play-Dough and a plastic giraffe from the 88¢ aisle. Which left her with two quarters for the machines I never feed, though she always asks.
For my own part, I never go down the candy aisle, but this time I did because of Em's obsession with supporting diabetes. But I spotted something: Whoppers now come in a strawberry milkshake variation. I so did not need to find this. They're wicked good.

strawberry milkshake on the outside, regular malted milk on the inside?
sounds like glorious death in a carton, in my honest opinion.
eee! Whoppers = nails down a chalkboard... in your MOUF!
Can't stand them.
And, I can't WAIT for my little girl to be slumber party age.
course, the other mothers probably won't trust me with their children.
wah waaaaah!
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