We got there early enough to get a decent spot. Close in and in the shade. This is the parade associated with the Johnson County Fair.

They had a little bit of everything on offer: Ronald McDonald and a WalMart semi to pimp corporate America, politicians in antique cars to pimp politics, the Grass Pad to mock-pimp pot smoking (I wonder what if their car had said 'bong hits for Jesus...'), Falun Dafa to scratch the slow motion dancing itch...

Best of all: The 23rd Street Marching Cobras. Actually, they were just billed as the Marching Cobras, so maybe the '23rd Street' has been dropped since I was a kittle lid.

Em and Mo were not keen on hanging out after the parade, but the announcer said the Cobras were coming back to perform after the parade. I assumed this was because the assheads who organized the parade wouldn't give them time to do their full deal during the parade. But it was I who was assheaded, I found out: the concern was for the Cobras, these kids in their incredibly hot uniforms dancing and druming for the better part of a mile in the August sun, giving them a break before they performed upwards of fifteen minutes.

As we were leaving, Em (who is eleven and thus hates everything I try to introduce to her) said, 'That...was...aweseome!'

Which was basically my reaction to the Cobras circa 1983 when I saw them for the first time.

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