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Saturday, March 16, 2013

New 'Hawk

It was high time for a new helmet mohawk, they get faded with the sun and weather. Plus, I never really liked the last one, the fine texture tulle doesn't work as well, and it didn't it didn't stand up as tall and look as mohawkish. Corinna seemed fine with it, but she calls it a 'helmet fluff' anyway, so I don't know if the Trojan-esque aspect even registers for her.

I wanted to go back to Helmet Mohawk v. 1.0, like the one she was riding with the day I met her, and like the one she gave me not long after we started dating. I made a similar one out of purple tulle for version 2.0, and then there were the shower scrubby versins, 3.0 and 3.1. 3.0 was a green one I made out of shower scrubbies just for the St. Patrick's Day parade last year, 3.1 as the pink, clownish one that replaced it.

The shower scrubbies at first seemed to save some sewing work, but it takes three of them to make a mohawk and it's heavy as hell at that point. So it's back to the original for me. I made two because it's important to me that we match (so important I've been riding with one for six months I didn't really like just because it was the same as Corinna's).

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