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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Bespoke Punk

So it seems like all I ever blog about is Critical Mass, but I'm not as bloggy as I used to be I guess.

Anyway, I made spoke cards for the first six or seven months last year, to the point where people started to ask me if I was the organizer of the vent. Which actually I used as an excuse to quit making spoke cards. I was running out of ideas anyway, and I'm not taking responsibility for anyone's actions the last Friday of the month. Really, not even mine.

But, and this is flattering, people keep asking if I made some. Every time I go to Critical Mass. And last time I went, June (because July I was on RAGBRAI, my mate Eric suggested I do one where I put a T-Rex head on Sarahsaurus Rex. How could I refuse? And thanks to her glorious immodesty, I was able to find the perfect source material to do this.

So Sarah went on the back of the Vegas art, which I guess was a seed of inspiration because then I started thinking of the Great American Eclipse, and I did a spoke card with two different eclipse ideas. Then a friend of mine sent me the art he'd created for a 'Bartle Hall' Black Flag parody logo, and I put that on a spoke card with my own Photoshop job on the Dead Kennedy's 'Give Me Convenience OR Give Me Death' album.

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