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Thursday, November 24, 2005

Exc-yoooze Me!!

I mentioned a few posts back this self-inflicted spam I get from the OED people. Today's 'Fact Of Te Day' is a definition of a 'blog.'

blog /bläg/

→ n.
a weblog: blogs run by twenty-something Americans with at least an unhealthy interest in computers.

→ v. (blogged, blogging) [intrans.]
add new material to or regularly update a weblog.
- DERIVATIVES blogger n.
- ORIGIN shortening.

I am not twenty-something, I'm more than halfway to forty-something. Interest in computers? I have none. I make my living using them, but that's like saying a mechanic has an unhealthy interest in wrenches. Even if he does folk-art in the back yard with his arc-welder in addition to fixing the frame on his car, it doesn't mean he has an interest in welders, healthy or otherwise...

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