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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Sirens Part III: Alexia, Shelby, Amanda

Model: Alexia Lamb

Model: Alexia Lamb

So I went and did this shoot, then got insanely busy. I did RAGBRAI, took over a week for that, then there was my job, my family, preparations for the Trashboat Regatta, etc.

Model: Alexia Lamb

Model: Alexia Lamb

So then after I've been back, some of the models I shot have been messaging me asking about their shots. I can understand it, it's been over a month now. I was super excited to have so many quality targets to shoot, but they were there because they wanted shots for their own portfolios and whatnot.

Model: Alexia Lamb

So here's another batch. There's still some shots I need to sort through, and at least one model I didn't get a single sharable shot of (not her fault at all, that was the rhinoceros in heat behind the camera who screwed those shots up).

Model: Shelby Cumpton

Model: Amanda McAlexander

I've learned so much from this shoot. I mean, this is the third blog post where I'm sharing these images, but I shot over 2400 that day.

Model: Amanda McAlexander

Model: Amanda McAlexander

There was such a wide range of models and photographers that day, from total pros to complete amateurs (a category I guess I fall into though the day before I actually got paid to shoot, thus giving up my amateur standing at least by Olympic rules).

Model: Amanda McAlexander

Model: Alexia Lamb

The two biggest things I came away with was I need to be more patient and thorough looking through the viewfinder and waiting to click the shutter, and that my unwillingness to embrace the strobe is untenable.

Model: Alexia Lamb

I love natural light portraits when they work, but when the light is challenging, not having a good speedlight makes it impossible to get the shot. So many backlit shots from this day, so many shots that were okay but would have been great if I'd provided some light of my own.

Model: Amanda McAlexander

Model: Amanda McAlexander

Model: Amanda McAlexander

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